Lucid CM10.2 AOKP Theme apk Free

Lucid CM10.2 AOKP Theme apk Free

Lucid CM10.2 AOKP Theme apk Review
Lucid CM10.2 AOKP Theme apk

Category : Personalization

Requires Android : 2.3 and up

Originally posted by

Description of Lucid CM10.2 AOKP Theme apk

Apk Downloads
ROOT and a custom ROM like CyanogenMOD needed.
For HDPI and XHDPI phones only.

This a minimal transparent theme.

Apply the system theme and reboot. Now select my theme & apply.
You may get an error: 'Sorry, this theme is missing assets for your device's screen size'.
Ignore that and apply it anyway and REBOOT.

I can't reply to your comments on the market, please email me regarding issues.

Sonny Sekhon (sonnysekhon on xda)

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Google Wallet (APK: by lthary. Today [KERNEL][I9300][CM10.2/CM10.1] by noobSU. specifically for derivative ROMs (such as themes, etc) Threads: 626.

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Posted by Unknown, Published at 8:53 PM and have 1 comments


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